Parenting Solutions for ADHD with a Coach who gets it.


I help parents understand ADHD so they can parent in a way that works and feel happy and confident again.

As a therapist with over 20 years of experience and a mom of 2 kids who both have ADHD, I’ve done all the research and developed a coaching program that supports, informs, and guides parents who want to do more than just endure the emotional storms and navigate the school struggles.

Learn More

When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, parents have lots of questions…..

What does this mean for the future?

What do I need
to know?

Where do I go to find answers?

ADHD Parent Coaching can help you transform overwhelm into clarity with tools, resources, & support to help you support your child.

Parent coaching is about helping you understand how ADHD is impacting your child’s learning, behavior, and social skills so you can get control over symptoms, uncover the strengths, and feel great about how you show up and support your kids.


  • Learn about what is different in brains that have ADHD and how differences affect your child’s behavior

  • Identify your child's “hot spots” and lagging skills

  • Learn practical strategies to get control over disorganization, low motivation, and emotional explosions so you can stop feeling powerless as a parent.

  • Discover exactly what you need to do, change, or transform to foster a truly meaningful connection with your kid.

How it works

Are you ready to improve motivation, ease conflicts, enhance family time, and show up consistently as the loving parent you are?

  • We "meet" by phone or video call for a 1-hour appointment that you schedule on my online calendar.

    Our appointments are private. The only people on the call are me and anyone in your family that you invite.

  • We will talk about your concerns along with what accountability support you feel you need to make changes.

  • We will set goals and create a road map to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

  • After your appointment, I will send you a written action plan to use as a guide for implementing the strategies we discussed on your call

FACT: ADHD is much more than a deficit of attention

ADHD is a neurological difference that affects organization, time management, emotions, and attention.

Your child doesn’t want to frustrate you! They want to do well but need to develop specific skills to manage their symptoms.

When parents have access to the right support and information it makes this aspect of parenting kids with ADHD so much easier.

Despite what you might feel,
you are not a bad parent.

The things that work for kids with ADHD aren’t always obvious or intuitive since different brains need different support.

You can get control of the challenges by learning exactly how ADHD symptoms affect your child’s learning, behavior, and social skills.

A parenting coach is like a partner who walks with you through this learning process and helps you identify simple shifts that make a BIG DIFFERENCE in your confidence and your child’s compliance.

Are you ready to feel confident and create more calm, connection, and joy at home?



Free 20 Minute Telephone Consult FOR Parent Coaching

It is my dream to make a positive change in the lives of kids by helping their parents learn how to work with ADHD, not fight against it.

Book your free call today so we can learn more about each other and to see how I can help.